Author: Jamna Herbal

Ayurvedic Ways Of Treating Bipolar Disorder

Ayurvedic Ways Of Treating Bipolar Disorder

Have you ever experienced being extremely overjoyed at one moment and extremely angry or aggressive at the next? If yes, then you might be suffering from Bipolar Disorder. Managing Bipolar disorder can be difficult because of its extreme mood swings, which range from manic highs to depressed lows. While Western medicine plays an important part, it may be beneficial to also look into Ayurvedic-inspired complementary therapies for more comprehensive care. Today, we’ll explore the use of herbal remedies in the Ayurvedic treatment of Bipolar disorder. 

Bipolar Disorder: An Ayurvedic Perspective

According to Ayurveda, the state of one’s mind is directly related to the harmony between the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). In Ayurveda, Bipolar disorder, also known as “Unmada” is viewed as a result of a discord between the individual’s mental and physical health. Ayurvedic practitioners prioritise dietary and psychological health when working to restore balance. 

The Tranquilising Adaptogen - Ashwagandha Pak

The powerful Ayurvedic formulation known as "Ashwagandha Paktakes the spotlight as the treatment of choice for managing Bipolar disorder. Ashwagandha is an herb that is widely recognised for its calming effects and is classified as an adaptogen since it helps the body deal with stress. Due to its rich composition, this Ayurvedic herb is known to moderate Vata and increase mental fortitude. 

According to Ayurveda, a vata imbalance is frequently associated with symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. Each of these symptoms can be common in the manic episode of Bipolar disorder. The Vata-calming properties of Ashwagandha pak make it a promising natural treatment for reducing the severity of mania. 

Fostering Emotional Stability - Tulsi Drop

Tulsi, also known as “Holy Basil”, is highly regarded in Ayurveda due to its many curative properties. Tulsi drop, when applied in the scenario of Bipolar disorder, becomes a powerful ally in fostering mental resilience. Tulsi’s stress-reducing adaptogenic properties can be useful for people navigating the emotional ups and downs of Bipolar disorder. 

The incorporation of Tulsi drop into Ayurvedic approaches to Bipolar disorder management highlights the significance of emotional well-being in treatment. Tulsi drop is consistent with the holistic approach of Ayurveda, which focuses on addressing the underlying causes of disease rather than just the symptoms.

Detoxifying Your Mind and Body - Triphala

Traditional Ayurvedic herbal formula Triphala is increasingly regarded as an important tool in the treatment of Bipolar disorder. The powerful fruits Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki are the building blocks of the popular detoxification supplement Triphala. It comes in various forms for consumption such as Triphala Churna, Triphala Tablets, Triphala Capsules and Triphala Juice. 

According to Ayurveda, when one’s mind and body are healthy, it has a positive effect on the other. The mild detoxification effects of Triphala may aid in the elimination of built-up toxins, resulting in enhanced mental clarity. Manic-depressive episodes are common during the manic phase of Bipolar disorder and this rich herbal remedy promotes balance in the Pitta dosha, which corresponds with heat and intensity. 

Methods Used in Ayurveda to Treat Bipolar Disorder

Though Ayurvedic herbal medicines play a pivotal role in holistic Bipolar disorder management, this approach goes far beyond the use of any one medication. In Ayurveda, a healthy lifestyle is defined as one that includes eating a wholesome meal, getting plenty of exercise and making time for meditation and other forms of self-care.

1. Yoga And Meditation For Mindfulness

As Ayurveda places a strong focus on the mind-body connection, it stands to reason that techniques like yoga and meditation can be effective means of dealing with Bipolar disorder. Yoga and mindful meditation both contribute to overall health and well-being by encouraging both physical and mental equilibrium.

2. Nutritional Moderation

When it comes to maintaining a healthy mind ayurvedic diet plays an essential part. People who suffer from Bipolar disorder may find relief in following a diet that strikes a balance with their predominant dosha. Foods that reduce Pitta like fresh fruits and vegetables can be calming during times of heightened energy while foods that reduce water like warm soups and nourishing stews can help stabilise your mood during manic phases. 

3. Herbal Treatments

For centuries, people have turned to Ayurvedic Herbs to help maintain a healthy state of mind. Because of their sedative properties, Ayurvedic formulas frequently include Brahmi, Ashwagandha and Jatamansi in treatments for depression and anxiety. However since everyone reacts differently to herbs, it is essential that you speak with a certified Ayurvedic expert before introducing them into your regimen. 

4. Abhyanga

The Ayurvedic practice of Abhanga, also known as oil massage entails applying warm oil to the body in massaging it in circular motions. It has been hypothesised that this method can help the nervous system unwind and help one feel more at ease. Abhyanga’s balancing effect can be magnified by using oils that are tailored to each of the three doshas. 

5. Adapting To An Ayurvedic Way Of Life

Those who suffer from Bipolar disorder may find some degree of stability by adopting a daily routine in line with Ayurvedic principles. This involves doing things like sticking to a set schedule when it comes to when you go to bed and when you eat. 

6. Counselling And Assistance

Since Ayurveda places a high value on a person's psychological and emotional health, it is compatible with other therapeutic modalities like counselling and psychotherapy. When seeking help for mental health issues it can be beneficial to work with professionals in the field who are familiar with and open to Ayurvedic principles. 

Conclusion :

Ayurveda provides a Holistic perspective on Bipolar disorder and its treatment by targeting the patient's entire being. People with Bipolar disorder should always maintain a close communication with their medical professionals even if they choose to incorporate Ayurvedic practices into their treatment plans. To better manage Bipolar disorder and promote long-term health it may be helpful to combine conventional treatments with the knowledge and practices of Ayurveda. Different people will have different reactions to Ayurvedic treatment so it's best to get customised care from professionals.