Author: Jamna Herbal

Intervention of Ayurveda in Treating Autism

Intervention of Ayurveda in Treating Autism

We are all aware that, for eons, Ayurveda has served as a healing system, which was developed approximately 3,000 years ago in India. Since the very beginning, they have believed that health or wellness is dependent on the balance between the mind, body, and Indriya. Their motto is to propagate good health. Having said that, some treatments are also prepared to combat or deal with specific health issues.

Today we will shed light on a topic that is often misunderstood as a mental health disorder, whereas it is ideally a developmental issue. Autism is described as a range of conditions that include challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. In Ayurveda, autism refers to the role of disarrangement in brain nerves and cells, which leads to impairment of the mind. There is no such specific theory to prove the cause of autism; however, it should be catered to, at an early stage, to heal at the physical and psychological levels. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that autism is caused by an imbalance of metabolism and digestion, leading to a build-up of detrimental toxins. Hence, the treatment provided by Ayurveda to cure autism primarily focuses on removing these toxins from the body, thereby improving gut health.

The Agasthya protocol, offered by Ayurveda, has proved to be one of the most effective ways of dealing with autism.

Dincharya (Daily Routine)

Integrating everyday tasks with the day's natural cycles is highly valued in Ayurveda. Dincharya means adjusting one’s schedule to the cycles of the natural world, taking dawn and dusk into account. Setting up a regular schedule is essential for steadiness and predictability for people with autism.

The Ayurvedic View of Routine as Stability

A regimented schedule helps people with autism by giving them a sense of security and stability. Dincharya can be customised to establish a reliable daily routine that aids with stress and anxiety management.

Ritucharya (Seasonal Routine)

In this Ayurvedic concept, " Rithu '' means seasons, and  " Charya '' means regimen or discipline. It consists of lifestyle and an ayurvedic diet to cope with the bodily and mental impacts caused by seasonal changes. To enhance this particular concept, several herbs in Ayurveda are included to make the process take place properly and more effectively. Tulsi is an herb that is effective in preventing coughs and colds due to seasonal changes; it is also used to boost immunity, which serves the entire purpose of Rithucharya. You can try Tulsi Drops, which is one of the best products we offer to boost the overall immunity and health of your body.

Tailored Nutritional Advice

According to Ayurveda, food choices must be adjusted according to the seasons. For instance, cooling foods could be advised during the summer season. This customised strategy may help with the management of sensory sensitivity issues frequently seen in autistic people.

Ratricharya (Night Routine)

This regimen is followed between the evening hours and the night. The activities during these hours should be strictly followed and scrutinised to maintain wellness and prevent diseases. According to various observations, kids who have autism suffer from gut issues. Hence, one can include Ashwagandha Pak, which helps strengthen and boost the immunity of the body. Most importantly, it improves gut health by reducing inflammation, thereby improving digestion. 

One can improve the biological rhythm by improving gut health, which is done by enhancing the metabolism of the child. With proper usage of panchakarma therapies, applied behavioural analysis, yoga therapy, music therapy and the usage of herbal or ayurvedic medicines, it has been noticed that the lives of autistic children have shown great improvements.

Parents often ask about the future of their child who is suffering from autism. There is no definite answer; however, with proper Ayurvedic help, therapy, social activities and proper communication there can be a difference in their lives. But consistency matters more than anything. If a child has been enrolled in an Ayurvedic treatment, then the parents need to make sure that their child attends these sessions regularly to ensure proper healing.

We at Jamna Herbal believe in providing the best medicines to treat this issue. One can find several medicines on the internet and we bring you the best Ayurvedic medicine online. We believe in providing authentic products that promote the wellness of Ayurveda and how it can easily deal with issues that seem to have an impossible cure. We not only claim that our products are chemical-free, but our customers have also vouched for the quality and goodness of our medicines. Instead of popping pills aimlessly, it is important to note the qualities and what goes into the making of these medicines.


There is no denying that Ayurveda is a vast field of knowledge. It might seem impossible to believe that herbal products can be beneficial to resolve such serious issues; however, proper research and reaching out to the most authentic resources can act as an eye-opener, thereby resolving and turning the impossible into possible!