Author: Jamna Herbal

Understanding the Ayurvedic Approach to Insomnia: A Holistic Perspective

Understanding the Ayurvedic Approach to Insomnia: A Holistic Perspective

Has there ever been a night when you've tossed and turned, counting sheep that just won't go to sleep?  Millions of people throughout the world suffer from insomnia, which is the inability to go to sleep or stay asleep. While modern medicine like acidof syrup provides a range of sleep aids, the traditional Indian Ayurvedic system takes a holistic approach to treating insomnia by addressing its underlying causes and enhancing general health.

Ayurveda: A Traditional Method of Healing

The traditional Indian medical system known as Ayurveda has been in use for more than 5,000 years.  It highlights a holistic approach to well-being, emphasising the preservation of mental, physical and spiritual equilibrium.  Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia seeks to treat the underlying cause of the issue rather than just treating insomnia symptoms.

A Unique Perspective on Insomnia from Ayurvedic Medicine

Unlike Western treatment, Ayurveda does not focus primarily on symptoms such as sleeplessness. It considers insomnia to be an indication of an imbalance in the three doshas of the body: Kapha (earth and water), Pitta (fire and water) and Vata (air and space). Different body processes are governed by each dosha and an imbalance might cause problems sleeping.

  • Vata Dosha:

Vata is connected to space and the air. Anxiety, restlessness and trouble relaxing the mind are signs of an unbalanced Vata, which can result in insomnia.

  • Pitta Dosha:

Pitta is ruled by fire and water. Excessive Pitta can induce digestion problems, sweating and racing thoughts, all of which interrupt sleep.

  • Kapha Dosha:

Kapha is made up of water and earth. A Kapha imbalance can cause heaviness, lethargy and excessive daytime sleepiness, which can make it hard to fall asleep at night.

Ayurvedic Insomnia Diagnosis

To determine the underlying reason for your insomnia, an Ayurvedic practitioner will take into account your unique medical history, sleep habits and physical symptoms. They might employ pulse diagnosis, a time-honoured technique that involves feeling the pulse to determine doshic imbalances. Restoring dosha balance, fostering calm and fostering natural sleep patterns are the main goals of ayurvedic medicine for insomnia.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Sleeplessness

Creating a sleep-conducive environment and daily routine is the main goal of Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia, as opposed to relying solely on a single herbal medication. Here are a few crucial elements:

  • Dinacharya (Day-to-Day Schedule):

It is crucial to establish a regular sleep-wake cycle. Maintaining regular sleep and wake time allows you to control your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.

  • Abhyanga Or Self-Care:

Before going to bed, massage your body with warm oil, such as coconut or sesame, to help you unwind and have a better night's sleep.

  • Herbal Oil Therapy Or Shirodhara:

Applying warm, medicinal oil to the forehead is a relaxing procedure. Those who are Vata dominant will find it especially beneficial.

  • Sleep Hygiene:

Establishing a soothing nighttime routine might help your body recognise when it's time to unwind. This could be doing relaxing yoga poses, reading a book or having a nice bath.

  • Ways To Unwind:

Ayurvedic activities that promote better sleep include yoga and meditation, which can dramatically lower tension and anxiety. Before going to bed, yoga poses that emphasise forward bends and light stretches can be especially soothing.

  • Herbal Treatments:

Some plants are well known for helping people fall asleep. Because of its adaptogenic qualities, ashwagandha can aid in the management of stress and anxiety, which will improve sleep. The sedative herb brahmi can calm the mind and encourage sound sleep.

Lifestyle Changes for Better Sleep

  • The Digital Detox

In electronic gadgets, blue light has the potential to interfere with sleep cycles. Turn off electronics at least one hour before going to bed to make the room more sleep-friendly.

  • Exercise:

Frequent exercise might enhance the quality of your sleep; however, stay away from intense physical activity right before bed. During the evening, choose soothing activities like yoga or light stretching.

  • Control Your Stress:

One of the main causes of insomnia is chronic stress. Techniques for reducing stress and fostering relaxation include deep breathing techniques, meditation and time spent in nature.

Treating Insomnia with Ayurvedic Herbs

  • Ashwagandha

This adaptogenic plant helps reduce worry and tension, both of which can interfere with sleep.

  • Brahmi:

Often referred to as a brain tonic, it enhances the quality of sleep and encourages relaxation.

  • Jatamansi:

With its soothing qualities, this herb helps promote sleep and reduce restlessness.

  • Shankhpushpi

This plant is well known for enhancing memory and encouraging restful sleep.


Although insomnia can be extremely crippling, Ayurveda provides a comprehensive strategy to treat the underlying cause and encourage sound sleep. You can create the conditions for a restful night's sleep and a healthy you by learning about your dosha, making lifestyle adjustments and applying Ayurvedic practices.