Author: Jamna Herbal

Ayurvedic Remedies For Constipation

Ayurvedic Remedies For Constipation

Constipation, the painful battle to pass stool, is a widespread issue that millions of people experience globally. Frequent constipation can have a major negative influence on your quality of life, although occasional constipation is usually not a cause for concern. Fortunately, there are numerous Ayurvedic treatment for constipation available in the traditional Indian medical system and support a healthy digestive system.

An Ayurvedic Understanding of Constipation

Ayurveda promotes a holistic approach to health, with an emphasis on sustaining balance between the three doshas: Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth and water). It can be helpful to customise your treatment approach by being aware of your dominant dosha. Any of these dosha imbalances can lead to constipation.

  • Vata Dosha:

Vata is the element that controls all bodily action, including digestion. Difficulty passing stools and dry stools are signs of an unbalanced Vata.

  • Pitta Dosha:

Pitta is in charge of metabolic and digestive functions. Constipation may result from inflammation in the digestive tract brought on by an overabundance of Pitta.

  • Kapha Dosha:

The kapha element controls lubrication and structure. Sluggish stools and slowed digestion can result from an overabundance of Kapha.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation

Rather than merely treating the symptoms, Ayurveda aims to cure the underlying cause of constipation. Herbal medicines, dietary adjustments and lifestyle alterations are all part of this holistic approach.

  • Nutritional Modifications:

  • Boost Your Fibre Consumption

Foods high in fibre, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, provide faeces more volume and facilitate easier passage.

  • Maintain Hydration

Staying hydrated with lots of water throughout the day helps to soften stools and keep your digestive tract lubricated.

  • Reduce the Astringent Foods

Unripe bananas, processed foods, cheese and other items can worsen constipation. Pick options that are easy to digest.

  • Regular Meal Routine

Eating at regular intervals aids in controlling the rhythm of your digestion and bowel motions.

  • Stimulate Digestion

To aid in digestion, start your day with some warm water and lemon juice. Additionally beneficial to digestion are spices like fennel, ginger and cumin.

  • Ghee as a Lubricant

Bowel motions can be made easier by the natural lubrication that a tiny quantity of clarified butter (ghee) provides in the digestive system

  • Minimise Foods That Aggravate Vata

Astringent vegetables like potatoes and processed foods should be avoided since they can exacerbate Vata dosha. Also, avoid consuming too much caffeine.

  • Modifications in Lifestyle:

  • Frequent Workout:

Regular exercise, like yoga, swimming or brisk walking, stimulates the digestive system and encourages bowel motions.

  • Control Your Stress:

Prolonged stress might cause problems with digestion. Stress management and promoting a calmer atmosphere for digestion can be achieved through techniques like yoga, meditation and deep breathing.

  • Develop a Schedule:

Aim to use the loo every day at roughly the same hour, preferably right after waking up. This facilitates bowel movement regulation and physical training.

  • Pay Attention to Your Body:

Don't resist the impulse to relieve yourself. Postponing it may exacerbate constipation.

Herbal Ayurvedic Constipation Remedies

Ayurveda provides a range of herbal medicines to treat various constipation conditions:

  • Triphala

Triphala is one of the best constipation remedies, combining three fruits to create the powerhouse: Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis). It balances the three doshas, aids in detoxifying and gently stimulates the bowels. The traditional way to take triphala is as a powder, taken with warm water before bed.

  • The Haritaki

Known by another name, black myrobalan, this wonder fruit is an essential component of triphala. It reduces Vata imbalance and encourages bowel motions by acting as a natural laxative. Before going to bed, haritaki can be consumed on its own or mixed with ghee and honey in warm milk.

  • Castor Oil

Castor oil is a stimulating laxative that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve constipation. Because of its possible negative effects, it is best administered under the supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

  • Psyllium Husk

This high-fibre husk absorbs moisture to create a gel that facilitates stools passing through it. Add one teaspoon of psyllium husk to a glass of warm water, then drink it right away and then another glass of water.

Aaram Churna: Ayurvedic Relief for Constipation

Constipation is an annoying and uncomfortable condition. Fortunately, Ayurveda provides natural remedies that support smooth digestion and regularity. Aaram Churna from Jamna Herbal is a special combination of Ayurvedic herbs designed to relieve bloating, gas and constipation. Let's look at how this churna powder works.

  • A Potent Combination of Herbal Ingredients:

Aaram Churna is a special concoction of traditional herbs that have been used for ages and are well-known for their gastrointestinal health benefits:

  • Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)

Haritaki, a vital component of triphala, has mild laxative properties that encourage bowel movements and soften faeces.

  • Amaltas (Cassia Fistula)

This flowering plant aids in controlling bowel motions and has laxative qualities.

  • Shwet Trivrit (Ipomoea Turpethum)

This plant facilitates the transit of stool by inducing contractions of the intestinal wall.

  • Sanay (senna)

Sanay is a popular laxative that encourages regularity and colon cleansing.

  • Saunf (Fennel Seeds)

Saunf improves bloating and gas, which are typical constipation adverse effects.

  • Vidanga (Embelia Ribes):

The carminative qualities of this herb relieve gastrointestinal distress.

  • Yavani (Ajwain):

Yavani facilitates better digestion and eases cramping in the abdomen.

Why Opt for Jamna Herbal's Aaram Churna?

  • Non-Habit Forming

Aaram Churna is made so that it won't become habit-forming as certain laxatives do.

  • Long-Term Use Is Safe

When used properly, Aaram Churna can be used for an extended period of time due to its emphasis on natural ingredients. For customised advice, it is always recommended to speak with an Ayurvedic practitioner.

  • Safe for Diabetics

For people with diabetes, the components in Aaram Churna are usually regarded as safe. It is advisable to speak with your physician before beginning any new supplement regimen, though.

  • Carefully Crafted

Aaram Churna is a well-balanced and potent combination that relieves constipation because it was created by skilled Ayurvedic Vaidyas (practitioners).

  • Effective Relief

The process of relief is made more comfortable by the churna, which facilitates efficient bowel evacuation without causing severe abdominal pains.

Considering its components and touted advantages, Aaram Churna seems like a viable solution for relieving constipation; however, it's crucial to speak with an Ayurvedic doctor before using it. Furthermore, stop using it immediately and contact your doctor if you encounter any negative effects.

Yoga to Help with Constipation:

There are some yoga asanas (postures) that are especially beneficial for constipation relief. Here are a few instances:

  • Marjariasana (cat-cow pose):

In addition to massaging the digestive system, this mild spinal movement encourages peristalsis, which is the flow of stool through the intestines via muscular contractions.

  • Balasana (Child’s Pose):

This calming pose facilitates digestion and releases stress in the abdomen.

  • Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose):

In addition to encouraging bowel movements, this position helps release trapped gas.

  • Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist):

In addition to massaging the digestive tract, this twist promotes waste removal.

The Final Takeaway

Ayurvedic medicines provide a comprehensive method of treating constipation. You can treat constipation and encourage a healthy digestive system by combining dietary changes, natural medicines and lifestyle activities like yoga. Speaking with an Ayurvedic professional can assist in developing a customised treatment plan that addresses your particular requirements and doshic imbalances. Remember that treating constipation naturally not only relieves the condition but also supports a healthy digestive tract and general well-being. Hence, for a better and happier you, explore Ayurvedic expertise and discover the efficacy of natural therapies.