Author: Jamna Herbal

How To Boost Metabolism With the Help of Ayurveda

How To Boost Metabolism With the Help of Ayurveda

All of us are aware of the word “YOLO”. You Live Only Once, how many of us apply this phrase while indulging in our favourite delicacies? I’m sure almost the majority will raise their hands when this question pops up. Most of us live to eat because food is the real mood lifter. Quite often we tend to find comfort in a bowl. It acts as a memory and for some of us, every occasion is all about food. Now when we talk about eating, there’s one word which is unavoidable and that is weight. When we gorge on our favourite foods, we often forget that we might be raising a scale or two of the weighing machine. Having said that, most of us are concerned about our weight and weighing machines turn into sworn enemies. Pretty often weight issues also become a cause of terrible insecurity, people tend to suffer from several mental health issues.

Amidst all the discussions about weight gain, healthy eating and exercise, one thing that we forget is, metabolism. Most of us are familiar with this term but how many of us are aware of its qualities or use to put into simple words what is metabolism? A simple definition would be, that these are chemical reactions within the cells of our body that transform food into energy, which is beneficial for us. Do you have a friend or a relative who eats a lot but never gains weight, and has a good physique? Yes, they are blessed with a good metabolism. People opt for the keto diet, colon cleansing programs, etc.

However, if everything goes in vain, it’s time to address the elephant in the room. Look for the real problem, maybe it's metabolism. For starters, you should check or understand your metabolic rate and try to fix it, if things seem odd. If everything fails, do not lose hope, because if there’s a will, there’s a way. Ayurveda can be your best friend or that much-awaited guru, who will act as your saviour when you’re planning to shed those extra kilos. It will act as a positive catalyst to increase your metabolism rate with zero side effects, which will help you lose weight in a very constructive and healthy way. It will serve as a natural metabolism booster which is healthy for your body and will perform well to get desired results. Here are a few Ayurvedic herbs or medicines that are effective while losing weight.

Triphala Churna

Triphala helps cure anorexia, constipation etc. However, this is highly effective when it comes to increasing the metabolism rate. Triphala comes in various forms such as Triphala Churna, Triphala Tablets and Triphala juice.  It is infused with Bibhitaki, Haritaki and Amalaki and gives visible results if taken religiously without fail. Pour 2-3 grams of the churna into lukewarm water, mix it and have it twice, that is in the morning and evening. However, consult your physician before trying out anything that is meant for your body.

Shilajeet Capsules

If your gut health is poor and you experience consistent indigestion, then probably your body's metabolism needs help. No worries, because our Shilajeet capsules work wonders when it comes to improving gut health. It has anti-inflammatory and purifying properties which stops the growth of bad bacterias. This helps to improve bowel movements, prevents constipation which improves the metabolism.

Ashwagandha Pak

Ashwagandha is a natural antioxidant and is often known as the master as it helps to improve the overall health of one's body. Antioxidants increase metabolism and decrease inflammation, which helps to get rid of the stored fat in the body. Hence this acts as a saviour.


To conclude, it is evident that Ayurveda plays a huge role in increasing the metabolism. However, it is extremely important to note which herb or product is suitable. Be it home remedies or using store-bought products, Ayurveda is always the effective solution to every problem. Be it your skin, fever or body issues, it improves every bit of it. If you’re tired of implying every weight loss remedy in your life, then this is a sign from the universe, switch to Ayurveda. It is cost-effective and will give you your desired results!