Author: Jamna Herbal

Unlocking Ayurvedic Remedies: Medicine for High Blood Pressure Revealed!

Unlocking Ayurvedic Remedies: Medicine for High Blood Pressure Revealed!

The world has changed significantly, and with it, so have people’s lifestyles. In this fast-paced world, these changes sometimes have adverse effects on people’s health, leading to health problems such as high blood pressure.

Statistically, 1 in every 4 people have high blood pressure, and 90% adults let it go untreated. With this highly common health problem persisting around the world, many are wondering: how to reduce high blood pressure? There are several remedies to it: from conventional medicines, to lifestyle changes, and some that are only being discovered now.

In this search also comes the need for an ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure.

But first let’s understand what this problem is, and why it happens!


Defining high blood pressure: causes and symptoms

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is caused when your blood pumps through your arteries with extra force than normal. This condition can lead to faster clogging of the arteries and subsequently, to bigger health problems in the long run, such as heart attacks and strokes.

There are two types of hypertension:


This type of high blood pressure develops over time, is more common among people, and is caused by a combination of factors such as genes, age, and living with conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high sodium intake and alcohol consumption.


This type of hypertension happens quickly, and is often more severe than primary hypertension. Causal factors include kidney disease, sleep apnea, congenital heart defects, thyroid problems, and other diseases.

A person suffering from hypertension has the following symptoms:

  1. Severe headache
  2. Confusion
  3. Fatigue
  4. Irregular heartbeat
  5. Pounding in the chest
  6. Chest Pain
  7. Nervousness
  8. Dizziness
  9. Nosebleeds
  10. Difficulty breathing
  11. Sweating

High Blood Pressure Remedies

High blood pressure can be controlled by introducing the simple blend of lifestyle changes, such as a new diet, exercise, and medicinal remedies. Most ayurvedic medicines for high blood pressure contain several natural herbs such as Ashwagandha, honey, Tulsi, etc. But the question persists: how to reduce high blood pressure with these herbs?

  • Ashwagandha: It contains adaptogen, which helps in calming the mind and body when in a state of anxiety and stress. Mostly consumed along with water.
  • Tulsi: A sacred plant, it’s rich antioxidant properties help in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Consumed as tea, or in it’s leafy form.
  • Honey: It helps relax the blood vessels, and is usually taken mixed with a cup of warm water
  • Garlic: It contains Allicin, a compound that relaxes our arteries and allows blood to flow freely. Consumed in it’s raw form.
  • Arjuna: This fruit reduces the plaque build-up in blood vessels, a main consequence of hypertension. It’s usually taken in powdered form.
  • Triphala: It has anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing the strain on blood vessels.
  • Amla: The Indian gooseberry is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which help in expanding the blood vessels.
  • Ajwain: A small pinch of Ajwain after meals helps in reducing stress and anxiety, which are also two cause of hypertension.

Foods that help reduce hypertension:

  • Sweet Potatoes and Banana: Rich in potassium, which helps in maintaining the body’s sodium levels, thereby reducing the high blood pressure.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: These foods are high in magnesium, which assists in reducing the high pressure.
  • Citrus fruits: They contain abundant vitamin C, which expand blood vessels and reduce hypertension.
  • Berries: Contain flavonoids that help regulate blood pressure.

Yoga for Hypertension:

Here are four asanas that help in reducing high blood pressure:

  • Bhujangasana: It helps in proper blood and oxygen circulation in the body, which in turn help in reducing high blood pressure.
  • Balasana: It helps reduce strain on the shoulders and neck, thus providing relief from high blood pressure
  • Shavasana: This helps in calming the mind and body, thus helping in maintaining a normal blood pressure.
  • Sukhasana: Helps reduce stress on back and mind, and regulates the blood pressure effectively.

Jamna Herbal’s Ayurvedic remedy for High Blood Pressure, now revealed!

Read on to find out more about a high blood pressure remedy by Jamna Herbal: Stresof Tablets. 

Containing a unique blend of Shankapushpi, Bhangara, Bramhi, Parseek Yawani, Jatamansi, Shwet Punarnawa, Katuki, Arjun Chhal extract and Bhavana Hetu, the Stresof Tablets help in reducing high blood pressure by providing verdure to the brain, and reducing stress. The Arjun Chhal extract contains Coenzyme Q10, which helps improve the heart’s functions, and vasodilation activity that helps in dilating the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure!

Stresof Tablets also help in enhancing memories, bringing attentiveness, and insomnia, in addition to helping with liver disorders and speech defects.


This fast-paced world might have brought about changes in our lives, but it’s up to us to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and make good choices such as eating nutritious food and doing exercise and yoga. Jamna Herbals Stresof Tablets are one small step towards that.

So, keep calm, and keep your blood pressure normal!