Maha Bhringraj Taila-100 ml
Reference Book:-Ayurved Sarsangrah, Page No. 696
Ingredients : In each 100 ml Taila :
Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) Rt. (Paste), Kamal (Nelumbonucifera) Fl. (Paste), Lodhra
(Symplocos racemosa) Rt. (Paste),Rakt Chandan (Pterocarpus santalinus) Ht.wd. (Paste),
Gairik(Paste), Atibala (Abutilon indicum) Pl. (Paste), Haridra(Curcuma longa) Rz. (Paste), : Each 3.12
Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)Rz. (Paste), Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea) Stmn. (Paste),
Priyangu(Callicarpa macrophylla) Fl. (Paste), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra)
Rt. (Paste), Kamal (Nelumbo nucifera) Fl. (Paste),Anantmool (Hemidusmus indicus) Rt.(Paste)
Taila : 100 ml
Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba) Pl. (Jce.) : 400 ml
Milk : Q.S.
Indication :
1. Boosts the hair growth.
2. Untimely hair falls
Presentation : 100, 200 ml and 1 ltr.
Disclaimer:- All claims are based on customer feedback and testimonials. Results may vary from individual to individual.