Migracon Tablet
Ingredients :
Haridra Ext., Neem ki nimboli Ext., Chirayata Ext. : Each 30 mg
Kamdudha rasa (Moti yukt ) : 85 mg
Shirhshuladi wajra Rasa : 125 mg
Godanti bhasma : 200 mg
Bhavna Dravya :
Guduchi : Q.S.
Indication : Effective in Migraine headache
Dosage : A dose of 1-2 tablet should be taken with milk twice a day. Or it may be taken as per advice of the physician.
Advice : Vedantak Tablet should be taken simultaneously with this medicine for quick relief.
Presentation : 60, 120, 500, 1000, 4000 tablets.
Disclaimer:- All claims are based on customer feedback and testimonials. Results may vary from individual to individual.