Author: Jamna Herbal

5 Ayurvedic Treatments for Asthma Patients

5 Ayurvedic Treatments for Asthma Patients

Millions of people worldwide suffer from asthma, a chronic respiratory condition. The conventional medical system provides effective treatments, but many individuals seek alternative natural therapies to manage their symptoms. An ancient Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to health and provides natural remedies for asthma and other ailments. 

Jamna Herbal’s is a reputed ayurvedic medicine store online that offers the best immunity booster Ayurvedic medicine, oil for joint pain, herbal hair oil and other natural products. We have compiled a list of Ayurvedic treatments that can benefit asthma patients. If you wish to incorporate these treatments into your routine, be sure to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

1. Nasya therapy

Medicated oils or herbal preparations are administered through the nasal passages during Nasya therapy. During this treatment, the respiratory system is cleansed and nourished, thereby reducing congestion and making breathing easier. Ayurvedic oils are commonly used for Nasya therapy. The procedure should be performed under an Ayurvedic expert's guidance to ensure the correct dosage and technique.

2. Herbal remedies

  • Tulsi- The herb tulsi acts as an expectorant, which helps to clean the airways by removing mucus.
  • Turmeric (haridra)-  Turmeric contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties that can provide relief from asthma symptoms.
  • Licorice (glycyrrhiza glabra)- Licorice has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing airway inflammation and promote easy breathing.
  • Vasaka- With its bronchodilator properties, Vasaka facilitates the opening of the airways as well as the reduction of coughing and breathlessness.

3. Panchkarma

In Ayurveda, panchakarma is used to detoxify the body by eliminating accumulated toxins. Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), and Nasya (nasal administration) are among the techniques included in this comprehensive treatment. By balancing the doshas (energy forces) in the body, strengthening the immune system, and reducing asthma attacks, panchakarma can help reduce asthma symptoms. It is very important to undergo Panchakarma under a trained Ayurvedic practitioner's supervision. In addition to Panchakarma, you can also try chyawanprash gold from the Jamna Herbal online store, which helps enhance your immunity.

4. Yoga (pranayama)

The yogic breathing technique pranayama plays an important role in asthma management. During this exercise, the lungs are strengthened and breathlessness is reduced through controlled breathing exercises. Some pranayama techniques beneficial for asthma patients include:

  • Anulom Vilom- During this technique, one nostril is inhaled while the other is blocked, then the opposite nostril is exhaled. It promotes oxygenation and relaxation.
  • Kapalabhati- The kapalabhati practice involves a forceful exhalation through the nose, followed by a passive inhalation. In addition to clearing the airways, it increases lung capacity and relieves congestion.

5. Adjustments to both diet and lifestyle

An Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle are essential to a person's overall well being. Some dietary and lifestyle modifications that can benefit asthma patients include:

  • Avoiding trigger foods - There are some foods that may trigger asthma symptoms, including dairy products, fried and processed foods, and foods containing preservatives. Identifying and avoiding these types of foods can be helpful.
  • Consuming a balanced diet-  Healthy respiratory function can be supported by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight- The symptoms of asthma can be exacerbated by obesity. It is crucial to maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • Managing stress- Asthma symptoms can be made worse by stress. Engaging in activities that promote emotional well-being and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

By focusing on the root causes and imbalances in the body, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing asthma symptoms. With the right guidance and a holistic approach, Ayurveda can play a complementary role in asthma management. The Jamna Herbal online shop also offers ayurvedic medications, which can also be used as ayurvedic treatments, like ayurvedic churna, ayurvedic oil for joint pain, kanchan kesh hair oil and other herbal products.