Author: Jamna Herbal

Can Ayurvedic Medicine Really Help with Piles? Discover the Facts Here!

Can Ayurvedic Medicine Really Help with Piles? Discover the Facts Here!

Sometimes, our hectic life schedule means we have to delay certain tasks and activities. While it is fine sometimes, doing this regularly can lead to long-term problems in the body.

Our digestive tract is an important yet sensitive part of the body. Any damage to this area results in severe pain and discomfort for individuals. One such problem is Piles or haemorrhoids.

With more people adopting natural ways of healing such as Ayurveda, one question in everyone’s mind is “Can Ayurveda help cure piles?” The answer to this question is yes. However, before we learn more about the Ayurvedic medicines for piles, let’s learn more about this disease.

What is Piles?

Piles are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that can cause discomfort and bleeding. They can be classified as internal or external piles, depending on whether they are located inside or outside the rectum. Both these types of piles display distinct symptoms:

Internal Piles:

  • Painless bleeding during or after bowel movements.
  • Prolapse, or the protrusion of haemorrhoids through the anal opening after bowel movements.
  • Mild discomfort or itching around the anus.

External Piles:

  • Pain and discomfort around the anus, especially while sitting or during bowel movements.  
  • Noticeable swelling or lump around the anus.
  • Itching and irritation around the anus.
  • Bleeding during bowel movements, though it is less common as compared to internal haemorrhoids.
  • Thrombosis, or a blood clot that can cause severe pain and swelling

Anyone suffering from this disease also shows the following general symptoms.

  • Painful bowel movements.
  • Mucus discharge from the anus, often seen in prolapsed haemorrhoids.
  • The sensation that the bowel is not empty after bowel movements
  • Lumps or masses around the anus that are tender to touch.

When to seek medical attention for Piles?

  • Severe or persistent bleeding
  • Intense pain
  • Prolapsed haemorrhoids.
  • Signs of infection such as fever, redness and increased pain.
  • Changes in bowel habits or stool appearance.

What are the causes of Piles?

  • Chronic Constipation
  • Increased frequency of motion due to conditions such as dysenteries.
  • As a result of obesity or pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Genetics.

Piles - The Ayurvedic explanation:

Ayurveda states that Piles are caused by frequently low Vata and Pitta levels. Most Ayurvedic medications for Piles work to improve Dosha levels and ensure that Agni, or the digestive fire, is functioning properly.

The best way to cure this problem is through Ayurvedic medicines for piles and therapies. Some examples of such medicines are:

  • Triphala Guggul: This is a long-term medication for piles. Triphala is a combination of Amla, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. The chemical structure of Triphala makes it a good agent for constipation alleviation.

Guggul, on the other hand, reduces inflammation and controls haemorrhoids, providing immediate and long-lasting relief from this problem.

  • Aloe Vera: It has anti-inflammatory properties and can be applied topically to soothe irritation.
  • Neem: Equipped with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps in reducing strain on the rectum.
  • Turmeric: Famous for its healing properties, this herb can be consumed internally or applied externally.

Ayurveda also recommends certain dietary changes to help treat piles:

  • High fibre diet: Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes to prevent constipation. Avoid processed foods, refined sugars and excessive spices.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to keep stools soft and easy to pass.
  • Buttermilk and Yogurt: Include buttermilk and probiotic-rich yogurt in the diet to improve digestion and gut health.
  • Avoid trigger foods: Reduce the intake of hot, spicy and fried foods, as they can aggravate the Pitta and worsen piles.

Lifestyle changes:

  • Exercise regularly to improve circulation and prevent constipation.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting and take breaks to stand and move around.
  • Take care of your bowel movements, and avoid straining and delaying the urge to pass stools.
  • Practice Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises to manage stress.

Ayurvedic therapies to treat Piles:

  • Kshar sutra therapy:

A specialised Ayurvedic procedure involving the application of a medicated thread to the piles mass, leading to gradual shrinkage and detachment.

  • Panchakarma:

Detoxification therapies like Virechana (Purgation) and Basti (medicated enemas) cleanse the digestive system and balance the Doshas.

  • Sitz Baths:

This involves a warm water bath infused with anti-inflammatory herbs like neem and turmeric to relieve pain and swelling.

Jamna Herbals’ Ayurvedic medicine for Piles:

The Aam Doshantak tablets contain Shunthhi, Dhaniyan, Saphed Jeera, belgooda and other herbal extracts that help provide relief from symptoms of Piles.

For best results, it is advised to give 1 to 2 tablets to children with water or buttermilk thrice a day.

Adults need to have 2-3 tablets with water or buttermilk thrice a day.

It is always essential to take care of your gut health, and Jamna herbals is always here to help you do that!