Author: Jamna Herbal

How Effective is Ayurvedic Medicine for Asthma?

How Effective is Ayurvedic Medicine for Asthma?

Breathing freely is something everyone seeks; whether it is from the pressures of life, or simply breathing for the sake of living. Asthma, the chronic respiratory disease, strips this basic desire away from many people.

Known Ayurvedically as ‘Tamaka Shwasa,’ this disease causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making breathing difficult. It is triggered due to exposure to certain allergens such as pollen, dust mites and pet dander, air pollution, respiratory infections, exercise and stress.

There are many Ayurvedic medicines for Asthmatic cough, but exactly how effective are they?

Ayurveda believes that asthma is caused by imbalances in all three Doshas: the Kapha, Vata and Pita. Ayurvedic treatment for asthma involves balancing these doshas and restoring harmony in the body.

The term ‘Ayurvedic Medicine for Asthma’ is very broad, as it consists of dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal remedies and Panchakarma therapy.

Ayurvedic treatments focus on addressing the root cause, strengthening the respiratory system and reducing the severity of the symptoms over time. Let’s take a look at the several Ayurvedic treatments for asthma:

    • Herbal Remedies:

      Using certain herbs and spices, which have expectorant properties, helps in opening up the airways and reducing congestion. Some effective herbal remedies include: 

      • Vasaka (Malabar Nut)

        : It helps in clearing out mucus from the airways, reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract and easing breathing and the frequency of asthma attacks. 
      • Tulsi

        : This herb has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties that help in reducing congestion, and strengthening the immune system. 
      • Licorice

        : Licorice root has potent anti-inflammatory properties and is a soothing agent, that soothes irritated airways, reduces inflammation and mucus production, and enhances lung function, easing breathing. 
      • Long Pepper

        : Long pepper is a potent herb that helps respiratory health by breaking down mucus in the lungs and stimulating digestion, which plays a role in Kapha-related asthma symptoms. 
      • Cardamom

        : This herb acts as a bronchodilator and soothes the respiratory tract. It eases the airflow by relaxing muscles around the airways, and reduces respiratory inflammation, thus improving breathing. 
      • Cinnamon

        : The anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of cinnamon help reduce inflammation in the lungs and airways and fight respiratory infections that worsen asthma. 
      • Honey

        : Honey is known for having soothing properties, helping soothe irritated airways and reducing inflammation. It also acts as a mild expectorant to clear mucus. 
      • Ginger: With its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Ginger helps reduce inflammation in the lungs and airways, relaxes the muscles around the airways to ease breathing, and inhibits airway contraction, which helps in preventing asthma attacks.
    • Dietary changes:

      Asthma patients should eat easily digestible and nourishing foods, such as warm soups, cooked vegetables and herbal teas. Avoid heavy, oily and cold foods. Following a regular eating schedule without skipping meals and eating mindfully.
    • Lifestyle changes:

      Modifications in this front involve a combination of steps that help in avoiding common triggers such as allergens, dust, pollen and smoke, along with techniques that make the respiratory system stronger and improve lung function.
      Include Yoga and Pranayama in your daily routine; yoga poses such as the half-spinal twist and cobra pose help in opening up the chest, thus making breathing easy.
      Deep breathing exercises such as the Aulom-Vilom strengthen the respiratory muscles.
    • Panchakarma Therapies:

      These therapies are effective in removing mucus and toxins from the body, which helps bring out a balance in the doshas. Treatments include: 
      • Vamana (Therapeutic vomiting): This therapy is used to expel excess mucus from the respiratory and digestive systems. By induced, controlled vomiting, Vamana clears mucus from the lungs and chest, allowing for better airflow and reduced asthma symptoms. 
      • Virechana (Purgation): Virechana is a controlled purgation therapy, which eliminates all toxins from the digestive tract. It helps by removing excess digestive fire and improves digestion, reducing the accumulation of mucus.

Jamna Herbals’ Shwas Mitra Capsule. 

To aid in the treatment of asthma, Jamna herbals have come up with an effective Ayurvedic medicine for asthma. Armed with the power of Kutuka, Haridra, Chitrak, Bhringraj, Katphala and Shvet Punarnawa, the Shwas Mitra capsule is:

  • An effective and safe bronchodilator
  • Reduces the duration of asthmatic attacks
  • Relieves cough quickly and safely
  • Effective anti-microbial action
  • Exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action
  • Provides immunomodulatory action.

With Jamna Herbals’ Ayurvedic medicine for asthmatic cough, you can breathe freely!