Author: Jamna Herbal

Understanding Sciatica from an Ayurvedic Perspective: Causes and Treatments

Understanding Sciatica from an Ayurvedic Perspective: Causes and Treatments

Movement. A constant in our lives. We keep moving every day; it could be as simple as a walk from your house to your car to get to work, or a jog in the park in front of your house.

However, sometimes this movement is interrupted by injury or a random shot of pain in your leg. One such example of leg pain is Sciatica.

Sciatica is defined as pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in the leg, caused by injuries or pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Often, it is mistaken for a health condition, but it is a symptom of an even bigger problem. But not to worry; Ayurvedic medicine for Sciatica are easy to come by

But first, let’s look at some causes of this problem:

Causes of Sciatica

Ayurveda states that Sciatica is caused by an imbalance in the Vata Dosha, which governs movement and nerve functions in the body and aims to prevent long-term problems by alleviating and promoting a natural cure for Sciatica by addressing this imbalance.

Sciatica is caused by:

  • Herniated Disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Pregnancy

Ayurvedic Treatments:

There are several treatments, such as Ayurvedic medicines for Sciatica. One of the most common treatments is the Panchakarma Therapy.

It is a set of therapeutic procedures that eliminate toxins from the body and balance the doshas.

  • Abhyanga: A full body massage using various oils that help promote relaxation, improve blood circulation in the body and reduce pain.
  • Swedana: A herbal steam therapy that helps alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and relaxes muscles.
  • Basti: Enema therapy which nourishes the affects area, reduces inflammation and relieves pain.

Ayurvedic remedy for Sciatica:

Ayurveda has given us abundant herbal remedies for this problem:

  • Turmeric: Has healing properties that help treat inflammation and pain.
  • Consumption: Curcumin tablets
  • Ashwagandha: Combats stress and reduces cortisol levels, known for adding to Sciatica pain.
  • Consumption: Through supplements or herbal preparations
  • Shallaki: Known for having potent anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing swelling and pain.
  • Consumption: Capsules, extracts or by applying it on the body.
  • Guggulu: Improves blood circulation and supports joint health, thus helping in alleviating pain and swelling.
  • Consumption: Capsules, or applying as an herbal oil to relieve pain.
  • Nirgundi: Helps reduce pain by treating nerve irritation or pressure in the leg.
  • Consumption: Capsules, or by applying Nirgundi oil to the affected area.

It is also advised to follow a lifestyle and diet that will keep you internally healthy, thus reducing the risk of Sciatica. These lifestyle tips include:

  • A routine: Wake up and go to bed on time, schedule meals and exercise accordingly.
  • Manage stress: It might be tough to do so with time passing by swiftly, but it is important to manage stress by meditating and following deep breathing exercises.
  • Keep the affected area warm: Cold weather could increase the pain. It is advised to keep the affected area warm using a cloth compress or a heating pad.
  • Avoid standing for long periods: Standing could put pressure on the sciatic nerve, thus aggravating the pain.
  • Consume dosha-pacifying foods: Since sciatica is caused due to an imbalance in the Vata dosha, eat warm and nourishing food to pacify this dosha, and avoid cold, raw foods that could aggravate it.

To pacify the Vata dosha, it is also advised to eat anti-inflammatory and magnesium-rich foods, while always keeping yourself hydrated. It is also advisable to avoid foods that could trigger the pain or worsen Sciatica. This includes processed foods, sugary foods, and high-fat foods.

In case of doubts, you can also consult a nutritionist for advice on your diet.

Why use Arthovim Oil?

Jamna Herbals’ Arthovim Oil has the power of herbs such as Rasna, Kustha, Bharangi, Mustak, Devdaru, Ashwagandha, Dhatura beej, Nirgundi beej, and many such herbs that help in alleviating the pain caused by Sciatica and other joint problems.

To use the Arthovim oil efficiently, you must take the required amount and apply it to the affected area with a light massage, twice a day. It helps in relieving the pain caused by rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, sprain etc.


Don’t let sciatica take away your ability to move. Use Ayurvedic medicines for sciatica and be healthy on the inside, or use Ayurvedic remedies for Sciatica and attack the affected area effectively!

Stay fast, stay healthy, and always be on the move!