Author: Jamna Herbal

7 Top Dysuria Ayurvedic Treatments You Need to Know

7 Top Dysuria Ayurvedic Treatments You Need to Know

Dysuria is perhaps one of the most painful health problems for one to face. The pain of facing extreme discomfort while doing something as simple as urinating makes you feel incredibly miserable. 

This condition is mostly caused by a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or because of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). It could also be a symptom of underlying health conditions such as diabetes or even cancer. 

But Dysuria, while painful is treatable, and today we are going to look at the top 7 Ayurvedic treatments and the possibility of an Ayurvedic medicine for Dysuria. But first, let’s find out the causes and symptoms of this problem. 

Causes of Dysuria:

The parameters of how this problem affects women and men are different. For women, it is caused by: 

  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Yeast Infection
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Soaps that alter the Ph
  • UTI

In men it is caused by: 

  • UTIs
  • Prostate diseases
  • Cancer

Kids might face this problem due to obstruction in the urinary tract or vesicoureteral reflux where the urine backflows from the bladder to the kidneys.

Risk factors for Dysuria

  • Diabetes   
    • Enlarged prostate
  • Kidney stones
    • Bladder disease
    • Urinary catheter

    Symptoms of Dysuria

  • General discomfort during urination
  • Burning during urination
    • Pain during urination
    • External and Internal pain for women
    • Cloudy urine caused by UTIs
    • Haematuria: Blood in urine. 


    The treatment for Dysuria can take two paths: the conventional treatment, which includes:

    • Antibiotics for bacterial infection/STDs
    • Antifungal medication for yeast infections
    • Uristat: Painkillers

    Dysuria Ayurvedic Treatment: 

    There have been several natural treatments for the problem. Let’s look at the top 7 that have been recommended by experts frequently. 

    1.      Drinking more water: 

    While more water means frequent urination and thus discomfort, this will help in flushing out toxins from the body, and reduce painful urination. 

    2.     Probiotics:

    Dysuria is also caused by infection-causing bacteria and fungi, which can be defeated by introducing friendly bacteria to our bodies. 

    This can be done by consuming probiotics as supplements, or as a better option, to introduce probiotic-rich foods to our diet, such as curds, buttermilk, kombucha, cottage cheese, green olives, and apple cider vinegar. 

    3.     Clove Oil: 

    Clove oil not only stops the growth of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, but it also boosts the immune system. 

    It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that fight against fungi and bacteria. However, it should be consumed in moderation, with advice from a physician or doctor.

    4.     Vitamin C:

    It is an immunity booster and helps fight infections. You can eat Vitamin C-rich foods and add supplements to the diet. 

    Fruits such as oranges and lemons are rich in this nutrient, but in case you want something different, you can always turn to strawberries, kiwi, papaya, guava, pineapple and mango. Foods such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale also have Vitamin C. 

    5.     Cardamom: 

    This spice has diuretic properties that help flush out toxins and retained water in the body. It can also kill certain strains of bacteria. 

    To effectively use cardamom in your dysuria treatment, you can mix one teaspoon of cardamom powder with one cup of warm milk and drink it before bed every evening. You can also add raw honey to it for a sweet touch. 

    6.     Ginger

    Ginger helps fight off infections inside the body. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help in treating dysuria. 

    You can eat it raw, drink it as tea, or mix it with honey. You can also mix ginger paste with warm milk, although this should not be taken frequently

    7.      Cucumber:

    Cucumber has cooling properties that reduce body heat and relieve the burning sensation caused by dysuria. You can eat it raw, as part of a salad, or drink it as a juice. Just mix 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon each with 1 cup of cucumber juice. You can also add salt and pepper, and consume it twice a day. 

    Using Pramehari Yog

    Jamna Herbals’ Pramehari Yog is the latest in Ayurvedic medicine for dysuria. It has 36 powerful Ayurvedic herbs such as Haridra, Pippalimool, Vocha, Mustak, Karpur, and more, that can assist with the treatment of dysuria. 

     Pramehari Yog also helps with other medical ailments such as polyuria, diabetes, STDs, etc. You can take a dose of 2 to 3 tablets with lukewarm water or milk, twice a day or as advised by your physician. 


    Never compromise your health, especially when it comes to the sensitive parts of your body. You can prevent dysuria and other infections that affect these organs by being cautious and following a lifestyle that makes you stronger from the inside and outside!