Author: Jamna Herbal

Essential Ingredients in Kaunch Pak and Their Health Benefits

Essential Ingredients in Kaunch Pak and Their Health Benefits

It is always important to take care of all our organs, especially the reproductive parts. They are responsible for ushering in a new generation of humans in this world.

This big, stressful world has led to lots of men's reproductive and health problems, such as low sperm count, less stamina, low strength and immunity, etc.

However, there is a solution to this problem as well. Ayurvedic companies have come up with a simple solution: Kaunch Pak.

What is Kaunch Pak, what benefits and ingredients does it have and how do these ingredients help the one consuming it?

Kaunch Pak Benefits

Kaunch Pak is a tonic meant for male fertility treatment. Kaunch is Kapikacchu or velvet bean seeds. This tonic helps in improving sperm count and quality.

Some benefits include treating

  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Potency
  • Strength and Immunity
  • Intelligence
  • Neurological disorders of Vata Imbalance
  • Improving red blood count
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Coughs and Cold
  • It is used to improve appetite, digestion and assimilation.

The Kaunch Pak also helps in balancing the Vata Dosha and treats disorders caused by an imbalance of this dosha, such as lower backache, tremors and general debility.

Kaunch Pak Ingredients

While most companies use a range of ingredients in Kaunch Pak, some Ayurvedic herbs are essential and contribute their benefits to this tonic. They are:

  • Kapikacchu beej powder: A vital ingredient that helps increase sperm count and quality. It also helps in the management of Parkinson’s and arthritis. This powder is also consumed with milk.
  • Ginger: It helps in removing blockage in the blood vessels by eliminating toxins and helps maintain a healthy heart.
  • Clove: Has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help with managing stomach-based diseases such as nausea, flatulence, indigestion, and vomiting. It also helps in treating respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, colds and cough.
  • Saffron: It helps balance all three Doshas, great in absorbing nutrients, getting rid of toxins and boosting blood tissues.
  • Kabab Chini: It reduces pain and swelling, while also acting as a powerful antioxidant. It also helps in treating fungal, bacterial and worm infections.
  • Vanga Bhasma: This ingredient helps in treating diseases of the reproductive system for both men and women. Its effects are seen on the uterus, ovaries, testes and genitals.
  • Abhrak Bhasma: Helps in treating colds, congestion, breathlessness and excessive coughs. It also helps in improving sexual problems such as low sperm count and loss of libido in men.
  • Raisins: They are rich in nutrients that help improve bone health and digestion, boost energy, support heart health, aid in weight management and maintain blood sugar levels.
  • Sugar: Responsible for giving a good boost of energy; glucose is an essential fuel for our body, and sugar helps by providing it to our body.
  • Purified Cinnabar: It is a metallic ingredient that has been proven to have calming effects.
  • Bala beej: Helps in strengthening the urinary system, while also helping with joint pain and arthritis.
  • Gokshura: Helps in increasing and maintaining stamina, is especially useful for bodybuilders and athletes, and helps in treating sexual disorders in men.

Precautions while taking Kaunch Pak:

Kaunch Pak has a lot of beneficial ingredients but should be consumed in moderation. Since it contains herbo-mineral ingredients, they should be taken under strict medical supervision. It is not suitable for children, and pregnant or lactating women.

In case of any allergies or diabetes, you should consult your doctor for advice before taking the medicine.

You should also avoid sour foods for at least 2 hours after taking Kaunch Pak. In case you are also prescribed conventional medicines, take those first, wait for 30 minutes, then take Kaunch Pak. This is because some Ayurvedic ingredients in the Kaunch Pak might react to the medicine harshly. However, you can take it along with Homeopathic medicines easily.

It is generally advised to take 1 to 2 teaspoons of this tonic with lukewarm milk for best results.


It is vital to take care of our bodies, especially our sensitive organs. With the world starting to lean more towards Ayurveda and natural ways of treating disorders, it is getting easier to find herbal ingredients that solve these health problems for us, so we don’t have to worry about extreme reactions to conventional medicines anymore.