Author: Jamna Herbal

Struggling With Joint Pain? Use These 7 Ways for Safe Pain Management

Struggling With Joint Pain? Use These 7 Ways for Safe Pain Management

Through the whirlwind that is everyday life, keeping your body in its best condition might start falling down the list of your priorities. And with that comes a whole number of problems, very common among which is joint pain. This can come from poor physical posture, lack of exercise, or even just the natural ageing process. Thankfully, there are a number of remedies you can use such as ayurvedic pain killer products, many of which you can find at the Jamna Herbal online store.

7 Beneficial Remedies to Help Reduce Joint Pain

  • Physical Exercise

You might be against moving around too much when you’re suffering from any joint pain, and understandably so. But the practice of regularly doing some physical activity is easily the best thing you can do to start alleviating the pain. Gradually increasing your physical exertion and motion over time will also increase your manoeuvrability.

  • Application of Ice

Another highly popular remedy which cannot be recommended enough is applying ice on the joint. Yes, another obvious suggestion, but you simply cannot fault its effectiveness when it comes to relieving pain. Icing the joint for around 10-15 mins at a time a few times a day can quickly soothe the aching area.

  • Yoga

Practising yoga on a regular basis is a superb method of relieving pain in the joints. It is also very helpful for people who struggle to get sleep due to the discomfort. It's also a widely accepted method of reducing stress and tension, and improving flexibility of the joints.

  • Ayurvedic Oils

There are plenty of options for alleviating joint aches through Ayurvedic products. If you’re looking for an ayurvedic medicine store online, the Jamna Herbal online store has a range of pain relievers for you to choose from. Pain Kill Oil provides immediate pain relief and also helps improve the manoeuvrability at the joints. Rubbing ayurvedic oil on the affected area on a daily basis helps ease the pain in the long term.

  • Steady Weight

Not maintaining a balanced weight could be a huge contributing factor to any joint pains and discomfort. This is mainly due to the stress that is exerted on these joints. Therefore, losing weight and then maintaining it at a steady level could be your best bet at eliminating any joint pains.

  • Ayurvedic Tablets

There are a number of different Ayurvedic tablets available on the Jamna Herbal online store which you can use to relieve joint pain. One of these is the Vatantak Gold tablet, which you can consume with a glass of milk once or twice a day. You can also apply the pain kill oil along with this to get the maximum efficacy.

  • Heating pad

Heat can be utilised as a great pain reliever, and the best way to do this is by using a heating pad. When you’re suffering from joint pain or even injuries, heating pads are always an option worth considering to help reduce the discomfort.

Joint pain is an incredibly common problem that is faced by a large part of the population, and it also works as a reminder of the importance of treating your body with care. But thankfully, there are many ways you can choose to help treat this problem, and a lot of them will not take too much of your time or effort. Other than products for pain management, you can also find products such as ayurvedic oil for hair, along with skincare and wellness products at the Jamna Herbal online store.